Ole J Liodden
WildPhoto Team
Ole J Liodden
Ole J Liodden from Norway is a pro wildlife photographer and the founder and owner (together with his wife Kirsti) of WildPhoto Travel. His experience as a photo guide and expedition leader has led him to destinations such as Svalbard (60+ times), Antarctica, Greenland, Alaska, Africa, New Zealand, Russia's Far East, and the Galapagos.

Before Ole became a full-time photographer (in 2003) he got master's degrees from the University in Ås (Norway) in Natural Resource Management, Resource Economics, and Environmental Politics. He has also studied Wildlife Management, Ornithology, and Mammalogy at the University of Alaska (UAF). Ole has always been interested in environmental conservation and resource management, and now he uses his photography as a tool to get more interest in environmental issues in the Arctic and also marine ecosystems.

Ole J Liodden was chosen as one of the photographers for the Wild Wonders of Europe project – the world’s largest communication project regarding nature and environmental conservation in Europe. He has previously been a Canon Ambassador (2008-2010) and Nikon Ambassador (2010-2012) in Norway. He is now using Sony cameras.

In the past 10 years, Ole has published 7 books about nature and photography. His images have received 3 awards in the prestigious competition Wildlife Photographer of the Year (Winner in 2012) and 7 awards in the German GDT photo contest. He was awarded The Arctic Photographer of the Year in 2012 by the Global Arctic Award. Ole is considered to be one of the top wildlife photographers in Europe.

In the last few years, Ole has been very dedicated to conservation and has founded the Polar Bears & Humans project. This project is about the interaction between polar bears and humans; climate change, hunting, trophy hunting, problem bears, and the commercial skin trade. Ole is also one of the photographers behind the Photographers Against Wildlife Crimes project.

WildPhoto Travel is a leading photo expedition company - specialized in polar regions. Since 2006, we have offered great photo opportunities for our guests and partners.
